Monday, May 23, 2011

Make A Crystal Chandelier

Make a Crystal Chandelier

A crystal chandelier is an elegant update to any room's decor. One does not have to be expensive to give the impression of luxury. When making your own crystal chandelier, keep in mind the requirements for the fixture. You can hang a candle chandelier nearly anywhere. If you want an electric chandelier, though, you will need to be able to install it into an existing light fixture or hire an electrician to install it. First, choose the chandelier frame that fits your expertise and budget.


1. Choose a chandelier frame from a home improvement store or a lighting store that has plenty of arms to hang your crystals from. The more complicated the design, the more crystals you can string from it. You can also alter an existing chandelier in your home.

2. Decide how long you want your crystal dangles to be. Cut the fishing line to this length plus 3 inches. Cut as many lengths as crystal dangles you want to hang from the chandelier.

3. Pass the end of the line through the hole of a pendant crystal and tie securely. Add a dab of glue to the knot to secure it. Thread the line through the crystal beads, allowing them to rest on top of the pendant. Fill the line to the desired length with the crystal beads. Hide the loose end of the line where it is tied around the pendant by passing it through the holes of the first few beads above the pendant.

4. Tie the end of the fishing line around an arm of the chandelier and glue to secure the knot. Pass the loose end of the line through the hole of the beads beneath it to hide it. Continue stringing and tying until the arms are equally covered with crystal dangles.

Tags: crystal dangles, line through, chandelier frame, crystal beads, crystal chandelier, fishing line, line through hole