Monday, May 2, 2011

Clean Wood Paneled Walls In A Mobile Home

Wood paneling is a long-lasting material.

Recognized for its various textures, low maintenance and rustic appeal, wood paneling is common in mobile homes. As with other wood surfaces, wood-paneled walls accumulate dust particles and oily smudges over time. Grime collects in the narrow seams and crevices in wood panels, marring your home's interior appearance. Regularly cleaning wood panels preserves their finish and aesthetic appeal while also prolonging their lifespan. Fortunately, you can clean-wood paneled walls in a mobile home using basic supplies.


1. Glide a vacuum cleaner brush attachment over the length of the entire paneled wall to extract any loose surface dust and dirt. Extract hidden grime from the horizontal seams in the panels as well.

2. Combine 1/2 cup of white distilled vinegar, 1/4 cup of olive oil and 2 cups of warm water in a cleaning bucket.

3. Moisten a soft cleaning rag in the solution. Squeeze out the excess solution. Wipe the rag over a 2-foot-wide section of the paneling to remove grime and restore the wood's natural hue.

4. Rinse the rag and cleaning bucket with fresh water. Fill the bucket with fresh warm water for rinsing.

5. Dampen the rag in the warm water and wring it out. Wipe the rag over the clean panel to rinse off the solution.

6. Buff the damp paneling with a soft towel until it's dry.

7. Wash and dry the remaining dirty 2-foot-wide sections of the wood paneling, using the method describes in Steps 1 through 6. Always rinse and refill the bucket before continuing to the next 2-foot-wide section of the wall. Dry each clean section with a clean towel.

Tags: warm water, 2-foot-wide section, bucket with, bucket with fresh, cleaning bucket