Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Paint Wood Paneling In Stripes

Wood paneling covers walls in many homes, old and new. Wood darkens and is less reflective over time. Valuing wood over paint or not knowing what to do with the paneling makes it difficult to decide on a change. Brighten your living space, and make your rooms appear larger with light tones of paint. Enliven your room with stripes. Painting stripes can bring a touch of class and elegance to any wall. With a well laid out plan, mistakes can be eliminated, and your job will run smoothly.


Ready to Paint

1. Take your pictures off the walls, move your furniture to another room and cover the floor with a drop cloth. Fill in any holes and chipped spots using the putty knife. Then sand the paneling. Use a broom to sweep the dust from the wall. Tape the ceiling or molding where it meets the wall. Make sure you tape any other areas where you do not want paint.

2. Pour primer into the paint tray. Cut in edges with a paint brush at the ceiling, the floor and the corners. Be sure to cover the grooves between the panels. Attach the paint roller to the extension pole and primer the wall space. You should use two coats of primer to seal the wood.

3. Cut in the edges, corners and the grooves with a brush of matte or flat color. Roll the entire wall with one color. Apply two coats.

4. Cut in every other panel at the top and bottom with a brush. Roll every other panel with a different semi-gloss paint. Be sure to move slowly so as not to splatter paint on the panel beside it. Paint on two coats. Taping off the grooves next to the panel you're painting will make you feel more secure about leakage. Use the brush to primer and paint the grooves between the panels.

5. Allow to dry, or use a towel to daub as much water out as possible. Set a fan facing the wall to facilitate drying time and provide air circulation. Clean your roller and brush after using primer and between using different paints.

Tags: between panels, every other, every other panel, grooves between, grooves between panels, other panel, with brush