Thursday, August 22, 2013

Remove Old Ceiling Tile Adhesive

Properly prepare ceilings for new coatings.

Ceiling tiles serve one of two purposes: blocking noise or decoration. Acoustical ceiling tiles absorb sound and create a quieter environment. Decorative tiles may cover old damage and add interest to ceilings. Both types of tile use the same application methods and the same adhesives. Painting a coat of adhesive onto a ceiling and pressing tiles in place creates a strong bond between the tile and the substrate. Removing tiles generally consists of prying them off the ceiling, leaving behind the adhesive residue. To apply new tiles or paint the ceiling, stripping the old adhesive is necessary. If not properly stripped, the new paint or tile will not adhere properly and coating failure will occur.


1. Remove furniture and all other items from the room.

2. Lay tarps over the floors and furniture that was not movable. Use painter's tape to hang thin, plastic tarps on the walls, beginning at the edge of the ceiling.

3. Open the windows and doors. Set up large fans for ventilation. Wear a solvent-approved respirator, face shield, solvent-approved coveralls and gloves. Tape the wrists of the coveralls to prevent solvent from dripping onto the skin.

4. Paint a coat of adhesive solvent onto the ceiling with a paintbrush or paint roller. Adhesive solvents are job-specific, meaning the label will clearly state what type of adhesive the solvent will break down. Adhesive solvents are also available in aerosol form, allowing for easier application.

5. Allow the solvent to remain on the ceiling according to the manufacturer's recommendations, generally 15 to 60 minutes.

6. Scrape the softened adhesive off the ceiling with a long-handled scraper until no adhesive remains on the ceiling. Softened adhesive has a runny paste-like consistency.

7. Wipe the ceiling with a soapy damp rag to remove solvent residue. Immediately follow by wiping three to four times with a plain water-dampened rag. Residue-free adhesive solvents are also available and may not require washing the ceiling.

Tags: ceiling with, adhesive solvent, Adhesive solvents, also available, coat adhesive, onto ceiling