Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Best Way To Clean A Drop Ceiling

A dropped, or suspended, ceiling is composed of a series of 2-foot-square panels or 2-foot-by-4-foot metal channels that are used to suspend tiles or panels. Commonly used in both commercial and home settings, drop ceilings many times hide electrical wiring, piping or ductwork. Cleaning the suspended ceiling properly will remove any built-up dirt or grime without causing damage to the lightweight tiles or framework.


1. Cover any furniture inside the room with plastic tarp or drop cloths. This will protect items from dust or debris that will fall off the ceiling during the cleaning process. Remove any items of great value, such as televisions, antiques or family photos.

2. Dust off the ceiling with a feather duster, paying attention to the corners of the ceiling, as they are prime locations for cobwebs. Wear rubber gloves, safety goggles, long sleeve work wear and a face mask to protect your eyes, skin and mouth from any dust and falling debris.

3. Vacuum off the ceiling with the vacuum hose's brush attachment. Work the brush attachment up and down each individual tile and the metal suspension grid. Do not apply too much pressure, as the tiles are fragile and could break.

4. Remove any stains on the dropped ceiling by rubbing them with a dry sponge, which is a rubber sponge available at home improvement or janitorial supply stores, or a pencil eraser. Both of these are effective at removing stains when the use of water is not recommended.

5. Remove all of the tarps or drop cloths from the furniture and replace the items you removed from the room.

Tags: brush attachment, ceiling with, drop cloths, from dust, suspended ceiling