Monday, April 9, 2012

Paint Clean Edges From Wall To Ceiling

Clean edging makes your painted walls neater.

As you paint interior walls, you'll face corners and edges that require careful painting. Because ceilings and walls often have different colors, when you paint a wall, you must create a clean edge along the upper corner of the wall where it intersects with the ceiling. Use a sash brush to paint clean edges from wall to ceiling, and create walls with neat and attractive paint.


1. Cover the floor beneath the painting area with tarps to prevent drips.

2. Position the stepladder at one edge of the wall. Place the paint at the top of the stepladder to eliminate the need to climb up and down the ladder -- look for a hook for hanging the paint can from the extending shelf at the top of the ladder.

3. Dip the sash brush into the paint approximately halfway. Remove excess paint from the bristles by tapping the brush lightly on the side of the can.

4. Position the edge of the bristles so they snug up against the point where the ceiling intersects the wall -- about 1/16 inch away from the ceiling. Touch the bristles to the wall and paint straight down about 4 inches.

5. Reposition the brush bristles up at the wall and ceiling corner again immediately beside the point where you already applied paint and make another vertical swipe straight down.

6. Make about 12 inches of vertical paint swipes, then go back and make a horizontal swipe with the paintbrush about 1/4-inch away from the upper edge of the wall across the vertical swipes. Make a second horizontal swipe immediately under the first one.

7. Repeat the same process across the entire wall, working in 12-inch-long sections until you finish painting a clean edge along the top of the wall.

8. Paint the main portion of the wall with a paint roller.

Tags: about inches, away from, bristles wall, clean edge, clean edge along, edge along