Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Paint Clouds On A Ceiling

Michelangelo painted a ceiling and you can too! Here's create an airy, cloud-filled room.


1. Remove or cover furniture and put down a drop cloth.

2. Paint the ceiling blue and let it dry. See "Paint a Ceiling" for directions.

3. Pour white paint into a roller tray.

4. Holding a sponge flat, dip it into the paint.

5. Dab the paint-filled sponge on the ceiling.

6. Make clouds in a free-form shape. You may want to have some pictures of clouds on hand for reference.

7. Use more paint in the center of the cloud, and less paint as you move out toward the edges.

8. Leave some areas of blue showing through the white for a light, transparent look.

9. Make clouds of different sizes.

10. Cover the ceiling evenly, but randomly, with clouds.

Tags: Make clouds