Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Determine The Border Panels For Drop Ceilings

Drop ceilings are often used in professional buildings.

Drop ceilings are also called suspended or acoustic ceilings. They are found in basements, schools and office buildings because they are affordable and allow easy access to pipes and electrical work. When installing a drop ceiling, it's important to plan for the borders. You'll need to cut the border tiles so they are uniform around the room, with the tiles on one edge equal to the tiles on the opposite side. Uniformity requires careful measurement and planning. Use tiles that aren't patterned or that have a subtle pattern so it isn't noticeable when you cut them.


1. Measure the length and width of the room and jot down the measurements on a piece of paper.

2. Divide the panel length into the room's width. Add the panel's length to the equation's remainder. For example, if the panel's length is 4 feet and the remainder is 1 foot, the result is 5 feet. Divide this number in half for length of the border panel. For a 4 foot panel in a 9-foot wide room, the result is 2 feet 6 inches.

3. Calculate the panel widths by dividing the room's length by the panel's width. Add the panel's width to the equation's remainder. For example, if the panel's width is 2 feet and the remainder is 6 inches, the result is 2 feet 6 inches. Divide this number in half for width of the border panel. In this example, the result is 1 foot 6 inches.

4. Cut the panels using a utility knife. First measure the panels to fit the previous height and width measurements. Use a straightedge and cut halfway through the ceiling tile. Bend the tile at the cut and cut the rest of the way through.

Tags: panel length, panel width, result feet, border panel, Divide this, Divide this number