Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mount Canister Fixtures In A Drop Ceiling

Canister lights can be installed submerged in the ground or floor to create lighting effects.

Drop ceilings are most commonly found in commercial buildings. Some homes use drop ceilings to mask a high ceiling or pipes and electrical lines. A drop ceiling uses ceiling tiles suspended on a metal grid held aloft by wires and beams. Canister fixtures typically are mounted to a true ceiling between studs for support. Mounting a canister fixture to a drop ceiling can create an unstable tile capable of falling without notice. Securing and mounting a canister fixture to a drop ceiling requires a few additional steps than normal installation.


1. Lower the panel that will hold the canister. Panels in a drop ceiling lift out of place and must be angled to be removed. Set the panel on a flat surface.

2. Place the template included with the canister fixture onto the tile and trace the outline. Set the top aspect, the part that will be recessed into the ceiling, of the fixture on the tile and trace the outline from that if you do not have a template. Use the top aspect of the canister because the canister has a lip that presses against the tile when installed that should be larger than the hole you will create.

3. Cut the traced hole with a keyhole saw. Press the keyhole saw through the tile and use slow strokes to obtain an even and smooth edge. Dry fit the fixture into the hole. Trim any edges that are needed so that the lip of the fixture sits flush with the visible side of the tile.

4. Install retaining clips onto the tile. Most retaining clips will press into place and are available from any hardware store. Most canister fixtures come with clips attached to the lip that are you press outwards towards the tile when installed. Insert the light into the ceiling tile and press the clips outward to secure it to the tile, if the light came with pre-installed clips.

5. Remove ceiling tiles adjacent to the light fixture.

6. Attach picture wire to the rafters or beams in the ceiling. Hammer a nail into wooden beams and wrap the picture wire around the nail. Cut off enough wire to reach from the nail to the canister fixture when it is fully installed. You want to create additional support for the canister fixture with the wire, so repeat this for two or three different positions creating an inverted tripod.

7. Install the ceiling tile with the fixture attached and attach the picture wire to the canister. Wrap the wire around the canister near the ceiling tile for the best support. Make sure the picture wires are tight. Twist the ends of the wire back around the wire several times to keep them secure. Reinstall the other ceiling tiles.

Tags: canister fixture, drop ceiling, ceiling tile, ceiling tiles, picture wire