Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cut Into The Ceiling & Wall When Painting

Cut Into the Ceiling & Wall When Painting

Before you start painting a wall or ceiling with a roller, you must first "cut in" at the edges. Cutting in simply means using a brush to reach the corners and crevices, such as those around trim, that the roller cannot. Before you get started, learn the proper steps to cut in so you will achieve professional-looking results on your paint job.


1. Complete all your prep work before you even open your paint can, including removing furniture from the room, removing switch plates and patching nail holes. Also, clean the walls and ceilings and lay down drop cloths.

If you have never cut in or lack painting experience, it's a good idea to use painter's tape. This tape allows you to mask off areas so that you achieve clean lines where wall meets ceiling and avoid painting trim or other surfaces. Apply tape evenly and avoid creating air bubbles, as paint can seep into these spaces.

2. Next, collect your angled brush and cut bucket. A cut bucket is simply any bucket with straight sides, as opposed to a bucket with a lip that allows paint to collect. You may use a plastic bucket; it need not be a professional cut bucket. Fill it with your paint of choice.

3. Carefully dip the brush into the paint and wipe the excess on the edge of the bucket. The brush should hold some paint but not drip. Begin at the top of the wall or area that you plan to cut in so that you don't drip down on a freshly painted surface.

Take advantage of the angle of the brush and place it at the edge from which you wish to paint. Drag the brush down and out in a crescent shape to spread the paint evenly.

4. Reload the brush as necessary. Continue working downward with this crescent motion. As you gain more experience cutting in you can draw a straighter, more even line and may not need to use painter's tape. Cut in around every edge of the surface you intend to paint as well as around window trim or any other obstructions that you can't reach solely with the roller.

Tags: your paint, bucket with, Ceiling Wall, Ceiling Wall When, Into Ceiling