Thursday, December 26, 2013

Interior Design Ideas For A Living Room

A well-placed furniture grouping helps to create a relaxing environment.

You spend a lot of time in your living room, so it's important to decorate it in a way that reflects your personality and taste. Whether you prefer traditional or modern decor, several principles are consistent with any successful design. Make a few subtle changes or completely redo your living room by trying out these fresh interior design ideas.

Conceal Your TV

Every well-designed room contains a focal point, but all too often the focal point of the living room is the TV. While some flat-panel TVs are very sleek, most sets simply aren't that attractive. Instead of arranging your living room around this awkward appliance, try concealing it or incorporating it within the room's design. Place your TV in an antique cabinet with doors that swing or slide open and closed, or create a niche for the television in the wall or a wood panel system.

Add an Accent Wall

Chose a focal point for the room other than the television, such as the fireplace, a painting or an unusual piece of furniture. Use an accent wall-a wall that is painted a color that contrasts with the room's other walls-to highlight this object. For a contemporary look, try an intense red, orange or calming dark gray. Go the traditional route with burgundy, green or brown tones.

Reinvent Your Furniture

It isn't necessary to replace all of your current living room furniture. Instead, you can transform it for less than $100. Buy a slipcover for that beat-up couch. Gone are the days when slipcovers were ill-fitted with bows on the arms-today you can find plenty of sophisticated-looking slipcovers in a range of colors and styles. Sand down and repaint your coffee table or TV console. If you're feeling bold, go for some bright colors.

Delve Into the Details

One of the easiest ways to update your living room and make it look "finished" is by adding accessories. Plants, paintings and knick-knacks such as vases or sculptures make a room feel welcoming. However, don't go overboard; you shouldn't cover every visible surface with clutter.

Turn Down the Lights

No one looks good in harsh overhead lighting, and it isn't conducive to relaxing activities such as reading or even conversation. Do yourself and your guests a favor by adding some accent lighting. Lamps that cast light onto the ceiling or wall create a soft, indirect glow. Task lights help you read your book or partake in your hobbies without over-lighting the entire room. And of course, nothing sets the mood like candlelight.

Tags: living room, your living, your living room, focal point, room other