Sunday, February 23, 2014

Make Betta Fish Bowls With Plants

The betta fish, also known as a Siamese fighting fish, is a solitary creature that prefers to live alone. In fact, if housed with a male, he will fight to the death. The same holds true when left with a female, unless the pair are performing a mating ritual. Available in a variety of vibrant colors, the male betta makes an interesting pet for fish lovers. Because they thrive in small spaces, bettas can live in decorative bowls of varying shapes. Better yet, fish bowls adorned with plants create a safe haven for bettas that enjoy resting and hiding in the delicate roots that grow into the water.


1. Choose a clear glass container to serve as your betta's fish bowl. Find an interesting piece of glass, such as a brandy snifter or large vase, to enhance the look of the fish bowl even further. Try to find a glass container that that has an hourglass shape.

2. Place a thin layer of decorative pebbles at the bottom of the glass container. Glass or plastic pebbles in translucent colors will add a classy touch to the bottom of the betta bowl. Make sure to rinse the pebbles in warm, running water before placing them in the bowl.

3. Choose the plants that will accent the betta fish bowl. Aside from the betta, the plants will serve as a main focal point for the fish bowl, so choose accordingly. Philodendron, peace water lilies and Chinese evergreens make excellent betta fish bowl plants.

4. Fill the betta fish bowl three-fourths of the way full with room-temperature bottled water. Add your betta to the fish bowl and allow him to acclimate to the water for several minutes before adding the plants.

5. Rinse the roots of the plants with bottled water to remove all traces of attached soil. Slip the plants into the mouth of the fish bowl, allowing the roots to flow down into the water. Arrange the plants so that they stand straight up in the fish bowl.

Tips Warnings

Feed your betta his typical daily diet of freeze-dried worms or brine shrimp, per label instructions. If you find it impossible to drop the food into the fish bowl because the plant is in the way, slip a straw through any opening, and drop the food in via the straw.

If the mouth of the fish bowl is too wide for the plants, purchase a plastic pot that will sit comfortably in the opening without slipping through. Cut a hole in the bottom and pull the roots of the plant through it. Set the pot and plant in the mouth of the fish bowl. Do not place soil in the pot.

Alternatively, you can use artificial plants to compliment the betta fish bowl. But keep in mind, plastic plants will not have the appealing root system that grows down below the water line in the betta fish bowl.

Change the water in the fish bowl at least once a week.

Do not use tap water for the betta fish bowl. Bettas are very sensitive to trace chemicals found in tap and well water.

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