Sunday, February 23, 2014

Regrow Lost Hair The Natural Way

Using harsh chemicals to regrow hair is not the best idea in the world as they can be very dangerous and sometimes cause more damage than healing. There are natural ways to stop hair loss and regrow lost hair.


1. Rub the scalp. Doing so gently does have a stimulating effect on the hair follicles. Scratching the scalp is not good for the follicles.

2. Obtain a bottle of olive oil, because this is very useful in regrowing hair. Place a drop or two of the oil on your finger and rub your palms together to spread the oil over both hands. Now spread it very carefully into the balding area of your hair. This is messy of course, and can make your hair greasy so it not advisable to use this technique when you have to be somewhere in public. Use it when you have several hours to yourself and won't need to wash your hair for a while.

3. Purchase a bottle of biotin, and take two of them a couple times a day. Biotin is a B vitamin and is very useful in regrowing hair. Be patient as it could take several doses before you start to notice a difference. Probably the first difference you will see is that your hair is no longer falling out the way it was before.

4. A drop of iodine in a glass of water taken once each day will regrow your lost hair. The stuff is potent though, so make sure you only take one drop each time. It is expensive, but it is worth it to get your own natural hair back and improve your health at the same time. While it is true that there is such a thing as iodized salt, there is barely enough iodine present to honestly declare that it is there.

5. Try collagen. This nutrient is excellent for the body's cell walls including hair cells and follicles. It can take quite a few of these per day to help strengthen and regrow hair. 6 a day is not an uncommon number to find on the label. Some people do not like taking that many pills per day. Use your own discretion as far as how many you take each day.

Tips Warnings

All of the above suggestions are safe and natural and all can be used together to benefit the hair and scalp. If you have concerns about the way the supplements mingle with your medications, see your doctor before using.

If you are experiencing sudden hair loss, see your doctor as soon as you can as this could be a symptom of a serious medical condition.

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