Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Easy Knots To Make

Different knots have different uses and even the easiest of knots can come in quite handy.

There are dozens of different kinds of knots and each of them serves a different purpose. Sailors and surgeons, among other professionals, rely heavily on knots and make use of many different kinds. Whether you need to learn make knots for your profession or just for fun, these basic knots are easy to make and they are a great place to begin.

Overhand or Thumb Knot

The overhand knot, also called the thumb knot, is one of the easiest knots to tie but it can be difficult to untie. Frequently used in sailing, this type of knot is tied at the end of a rope to keep it from running up the mast. To tie an overhand knot, begin by making a loop by crossing the running end of the rope over the standing part. Wrap the running end around the standing part and pass it up through the loop and tighten it to form an overhand knot.

Figure Eight Knot

Another easy knot to tie, the figure eight knot remains easy to untie even if it gets wet. To tie a figure eight knot begin by making an underhand loop by passing the running end under the standing part of the rope. Fold the running end over the standing part then pass it up through the loop from underneath and tighten it. This type of knot is particularly useful because, no matter how much pressure is applied, it does not jam; it remains easy to untie.

Square Knot

The square knot is a fairly simple knot that has many uses. It is used by crafters, sailors, and even by surgeons. To create a square knot, begin by forming an overhand loop, passing the running end over the standing part. Turn the overhand loop into an overhand knot by bringing the running end under and up through the loop but do not tighten it. Form another overhand loop by laying the running end over the standing part and make another overhand knot by passing the running end around the standing part and up through the loop then tighten the knot.

Bowline Knot

This type of knot is used to make non-slipping loops. To make a bowline knot begin by making an overhand loop by passing running end over the standing part then bring the running end under and up through the loop you've just created but do not tighten it. Pass the running end back behind the original standing part, wrap it around to the front and then pass it down through the overhand loop and tighten it. To use this knot to secure a rope to an object, begin by wrapping the rope around the object then create your knot.

Tags: easy, knots, make, standing part, over standing, over standing part, overhand knot, overhand loop, through loop, knot begin, passing running, running over, running over standing, running over standing part