Sunday, March 9, 2014

Get Rid Of Fleas On Cats & Kittens

When your cat becomes infested with fleas, it can be a very stressful time. Fleas will quickly become a nuisance and even a health risk to your cat, because they can cause him to become anemic, cause him skin damage and even give him internal parasites. You need to act quickly to get rid of fleas on your cat or kitten as well as doing everything you can to prevent future flea infestations.


1. Bathe your kitten in a mild soap. You can use Dawn dish detergent for a flea bath. Submerse as much of your kitten's body as you can. After the bath, use a flea comb with Vaseline on it to thoroughly comb out and capture any remaining fleas. You can also bathe your adult cat to rid him of fleas--if he will tolerate it--before combing him thoroughly with a Vaseline-coated flea comb. Repeat the baths and combings as necessary.

2. Treat your mature cat with a spot-on flea treatment such as Advantage to kill any remaining fleas and prevent future infestations. If you have a young kitten or would prefer a less-toxic flea treatment, use a flea treatment such as Sentry Natural Defense natural flea and tick powder for cats and kittens.

3. Feed your cat or kitten a healthy diet to help get rid of fleas. Many cat foods are full of fillers and preservatives that are not natural to the cat diet and can wreak havoc on your cat's immune system. A weakened immune system is an invitation to parasites--fleas included. Keep your cat healthy on a natural and high-protein diet and she will be better able to fight her flea infestation.

4. Supplement your cat's diet with brewer's yeast and garlic to get rid of fleas. Use only a small amount of garlic a day to avoid an anemic side effect. 1/4 clove of fresh, crushed garlic is sufficient for an adult cat. Generally, fleas will avoid the smell of garlic your cat's blood will emit. Brewer's yeast can be put on your cat's food in powdered form (up to a tsp. a day) or you can buy supplements. The vitamin B in the brewer's yeast also helps fight fleas as well as keeping your cat's immune system strong.

5. Keep your house well vacuumed to pick up any loose fleas, larvae and eggs. You can put a flea collar in your vacuum bag to kill fleas you vacuum up, but it is best not to put one on your cat due to the possible adverse side effects. Instead, keep your cat indoors to help her from encountering more fleas. The less exposure your cat has to the outdoors, the less likely she is to pick up more fleas.

Tips Warnings

If your cat or kitten is infested with fleas, so is your house. Flea eggs and flea larvae will be in your carpet, furniture and linens. Wash anything you can in hot water. One non-toxic way to treat your home for fleas is to sprinkle a borate product (a fine powder made of boric acid) on your floor and furniture, work it into the fabric and allow it to sit 10 minutes before vacuuming.

Spot-on flea treatments are pesticides that could cause unknown damage to your cat. They will kill fleas, but they might also shorten the life of your cat. Do not use chemical flea treatments on young kittens.

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