Sunday, March 2, 2014

Signs Of Alcoholic Insanity

Alcohol is a psychological drug that manipulates brain cells and the electronic pulses and interrupts communication between the parts of the central nervous system. The interruption of the communication process results in alcohol-induced insanity.


Aggression and increased violent tendencies is a symptom of alcoholic insanity. Sufferers show increased anger, hostility and violent outbursts.

Mood Swings

People suffering from alcohol insanity show extreme mood swings from elation to depression. The cycles are short, and a sufferer will go through mood swings every couple of hours.


Another symptom is delusions and delusional episodes. Patients will think they are doing something of extreme importance or events that do not happen.


Alcohol-induced insanity is characterized by extreme paranoia and suspicion. Sufferers will be convinced people are out to get them or something is going to happen. The belief that they are being followed is extremely common.


People suffering from alcohol-induced insanity will hallucinate things that are not there. Sufferers have been known to have complete conversations with people who are not there or describe buildings that do not exist.

Increased Energy

A level of increased energy is a common symptom of alcohol-induced insanity. This symptom includes insomnia and restlessness.

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