Sunday, March 9, 2014

Put A Roof On A Mobile Home

A mobile home may be on wheels but it is a home first. It is on wheels so it can be transported to a different park or area, if the need arises. One of the advantages of a mobile home, is that it can be moved and you may not have to pack all of your property when moving. But as a house it still needs a new roof at times and we will show you do it yourself.


1. Remove your old roof first with a chisel and pliers to get all the old nails out. It is very important that you wear gloves for the job, as the wood and the nails could hurt your hands. This will take an average person about a day to do. Make sure it is not raining when you do this.

2. Stripping your old roof, you can find that the plywood has rotted away in some places. Depending on where the problem is, you will have to get the rotted plywood out with the saw. You may to tear out a number of areas at the same time.

3. Prepare the areas you have removed the plywood from by cleaning them out and then replacing them with the new plywood that you have. This operation itself could take up another day. If you happen to be an experienced roofer, the process might not take as long, depending on the size of the area.

4. Look at your handiwork and identify any problem areas that may have been left behind. If there are any areas that need to be redone, do this first, if there are not any, go on with the next step. The next step will be attaching the waterproof paper with a glue gun. The paper should be easy to attach so it will not take you very long.

5. Inspect it to make sure that everything is done right. The reason for frequent inspections is that you cannot afford to make any mistakes or the new roof will also leak. Once things look good then you are ready for the tiles to go on. Adding the tiles will be the final step and the most important.

6. The last step is to put the tiles in. They have to go in straight lines or else your roof will be crooked and leak at places with no tiles. With a pencil and a T-Square, mark lines on the places you want to tile. Put the tiles in with the self glue portion up and put nails in where more tiles are going to be added. Finally your new roof is ready.

Tips Warnings

Be sure that you go through each step of adding the new roof carefully. You want to make sure that you do not leave any of the steps out.

If every step is not carefully performed, then there is a possibility of leaks or a sloppy appearance.

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